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The Roy P. Taylor Endowment and Scholarship Fund

Dr. Roy P. Taylor touched countless lives with his preaching, his compassion and his desire that everyone would experience the love of Jesus Christ. Dr. Taylor had a special place in his heart for pastors. That is why so many pastors called him “the pastor’s pastor.” After Dr. Taylors passing in 2002, the endowment fund was established through the generosity of Grove Park Baptist Church, Riverside Baptist Church and Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Coleman, so that Dr. Taylor’s compassion for pastors will continue to touch lives. The caretakers of this fund will be the Baptist Foundation and the fund will exist for as long as there are pastors.

As a result from this endowment fund, proceeds are generated which enable scholarships to be provided to those seeking ministerial studies. Those scholarships are awarded and determined by the Mt. Zion Administrative Leadership Team.






l) Must be a member of a participating church or mission of the Mt. Zion Baptist Association.

2) Must be seeking education or training that will better equip the applicant for ministry.

3) If not a pastor, must be at least a college junior who has declared a major in preparation for
church-related ministry.

4) Must submit the application at least thirty days prior to the class or event.

5) Must attach a brief resume which includes previous classes attended, grades, any degrees
awarded, and church service/activities.

6) First consideration will be given to pastors whose churches do not have a line item budgeted
for continued education or pastor development.


l) Shall not exceed $500 per semester. Limits are subject to change commensurate with an
increase in the principle amount of the endowment fund. The maximum amount that may be
awarded in a given year shall be determined by the Mt. Zion Association Administrative Leadership Team following a review of the Treasurer’s report.

2) May be simultaneously awarded to more than one applicant at the discretion of the
endowment committee, and in amounts determined by the committee based on available funds.

3) Will be reimbursed to the applicant upon proof of satisfactory completion of the class or
training. In college or seminary courses, applicant is expected to attain at least a grade of “C.”

4) Selected recipients will be announced at each annual meeting of the Mt. Zion Baptist

Endowment Committee

1) Shall serve as a sub-committee of the Mt. Zion Baptist Association’s Administrative Leadership Team and is subject to any and all bylaws established by the constitution of that Association.

2) Shall consist of three persons to be selected by the Administrative Leadership Team of the Mt. Zion Baptist Association. Members shall serve on a three-year rotation with a one-year hiatus before being eligible to serve again.

3) Should meet as often as applications warrant review, as determined by the members of the
Endowment Committee.

4) Shall report all actions to the Administrative Leadership Team of the Mt. Zion Baptist Association.

5) Shall notify all applicants in a timely manner of actions taken.

6) Reserves the right to make no grant in a given year should it determine there is no applicant
who qualifies according to the requirements of these guidelines.


<Click here to download application>

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